EHS management system

Establishment and running of the EHS system
After passing the accreditation undertaken by Zhejiang environment center in Dec., 2010 and establishing the running environment and career health safety management system, our company has strictly been running as per the EHS management system. We make out the environment and career health safety policy with our company characterization and judge the environment factors and dangerous source in the company products, activities and services, evaluate out the key environment factors and risks, compose the goal index and management plan for the environment and career health and safety and implement it . Try to affect the related parties with the procedu-re, SOP and regulations and to regulate the routine environment and career health safety manag-ement activities. Our company is continuously fulfilling the law and regulations and the related party request and optimizing the working field for the health and safety and the working conditio-ns. Try to protect the legal benefit of the employees and focus on the environment protection to ensure the products qualified. Reduce the loss from the safety and environment risks. Strengthen the company teamwork spirit.  Optimize the inner management; establish the good company image; realize the policy and goal index for the environment and career health safety.

EHS running policy
Environment policy: environment protection is related closely with the health of the employees and the company Survival and development.

In detail: Abide by the law and discipline, pollution prevention; Energy saving and consumption reducing, continuous improvement; people oriented, coherent development. Career health safety policy: safety first, we want safety.

In detail: People oriented, safety first; Abide by the law and discipline, prevention and controlling combination; all member attending, continuous improving.

EHS running model
At the end of every year, the company will make out the working plan of the environment and career health safety management system,for the next year and those plans will be implemented in the annual department working plan.  According to PDCA management model, our company under-takes the implementing and running, monitoring and CAPA, self-inspection and management evaluation activities and will improve accordingly as per the objective conditions to ensure the continuous suitability of the management system and the implementation of the environment and career health safety management system





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